Austria : ‘World first’ | Green hydrogen produced in summer to be burned for heat and power this winter

A pilot project in Austria is set to generate heat and power this winter from green hydrogen produced in the summer and stored underground for several months.
Engine maker Innio has installed a 1MW combined heat and power plant capable of running on H2 at the Underground Sun Storage 2030 project, developed by gas storage operator RAG.
A pilot project in Austria is set to generate heat and power this winter from green hydrogen produced in the summer and stored underground for several months.
Engine maker Innio has installed a 1MW combined heat and power plant capable of running on H2 at the Underground Sun Storage 2030 project, developed by gas storage operator RAG.
The pilot project was launched in April last year, converting a porous reservoir formerly used for natural gas storage to store 4.2GWh of summer electricity in the form of hydrogen (at a pressure of 107 bar),