Help us with harvest, ryots appeal to co-op sugar mill in Dharmapuri

In 2021-22, over 1.13 lakh tonnes of sugarcane was brought for crushing with a recovery rate of 8.71 %. A total of 98,669 quintals of sugar was produced.
DHARMAPURI: Sugarcane cultivators urged the Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugarmill authorities to help farmers to harvest sugarcane as the one harvester employed currently is insufficient to meet the demand.
Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugar mill began crushing operations in December and over 1.70 lakh tonnes of sugarcane is estimated to be produced in the district.
In 2021-22, over 1.13 lakh tonnes of sugarcane was brought for crushing with a recovery rate of 8.71 %. A total of 98,669 quintal of sugar was produced.
Speaking to TNIE, K Murali a farmer from Dharmapuri said, “Usually sugarcane is cut in the ninth month, but now many farms in Dharmapuri are left uncut due to the lack of labours. Over 13 months have passed since we planted the crops and we are struggling due to labour shortage. Now the canes have degraded and the sugar made from such poor quality sugarcane will also affect the recovery rate of sugar. So we need alternatives to manage the insufficiency of labour.”
Speaking about the alternatives available, K Alagappan from Palacode said, “We have one harvester in the district, and it can cover one acre in an hour. But due to high demand, the machines arrive late than required. We cannot blame it on the operator. The large vehicle needs a minimum of 5 m to enter the land and prior to that the electric poles passing by or through our lands should be removed.
More such machinery could aid farmers.” Another farmer, R Senthamizh said, “The mill must provide intimation to farmers before the harvester arrives. In most cases, farmers are caught unprepared and they would only make the preparations after the machinery arrive.
The operators usually have a limited time in each field and they leave after cutting down and harvesting a portion of the land. So for the remaining land, we have to spend `1,750 on labour charges and it could take days to finish cutting. This is in the condition that labourers are available. It is difficult to harvest with one or two machines.” Officials from Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugarmill in Palacode were not available for comments.