Record production of wheat, why the cautious step of the center despite the export ban?

The central government is saying that the country has produced a record 1127.43 lakh tonnes of wheat this year. Export of wheat, wheat flour is also banned.
Pune : After pulses, the central government has now put a limit on the stock of wheat. This stock limit will be till 31 March 2024. The central government is saying that the country has produced a record 1127.43 lakh tonnes of wheat this year. Export of wheat, wheat flour is also banned. Government procurement of wheat is also going on at a brisk pace, yet questions are being raised as to why the Center has imposed a limit on wheat stocks.
The Union Government’s Ministry of Consumer Welfare, Food and Civil Supplies has imposed a limit on wheat stocks on Monday, June 12. This limit will be till March 31, 2024 i.e. till next season’s wheat is released in the market. According to the Centre’s order, to prevent hoarding and profiteering, traders, retailers will be allowed to store wheat up to 3,000 tonnes, wholesale traders 10,000 tonnes, 3,000 tonnes or 75 per cent of the annual capacity of flour mills at their processing centres.
Traders are required to report their stocks on the website of the Food and Civil Supplies Department of the Center from time to time. Traders and processors have to bring their stocks up to the stock limit decided by the government within 30 days. The central government should maintain the availability of wheat in the market. In order to keep wheat prices under control, the central government is going to release 15 lakh tonnes of stock in the open market. The stock will be sold to traders and processors through online sales.
The Centre’s decision added to the confusion
The central government is saying that this year’s rabi season, the country has produced a record wheat production of 1127.43 lakh tonnes of wheat. This production is 5 million tonnes more than last year. Apart from this, an export ban has been imposed on the export of wheat, wheat flour, semolina, flour from the country from May 13, 2022. The purchase of wheat by the central government is also going on at a fast pace. A total of 262 lakh tonnes of wheat has been purchased by the end of May. At the end of May, the total stock with the government has gone up to 312 lakh tonnes. The central government is going to buy a total of 341 lakh tonnes of wheat by the end of June this year. Last year, only 188 lakh tonnes of wheat was procured. Government wheat purchase has increased this year. There is also an export ban. The government is saying that wheat production has also gone up to 1127.43 lakh tonnes. The total annual wheat requirement of the country is about 85 million tonnes. Still, the question is raised that why the government imposed a limit on wheat stocks.
Traders say there is enough stock in the country
Retail and wholesale traders will not be affected much by the Centre’s stock limit. Processors (mills) may be affected somewhat. Those who stockpile thousands of tonnes for profit may face difficulties. But there is enough wheat stock in the country and in the actual market, said wheat trader Rajesh Shah.