Tenders called to import 70,000 metric tonnes of Nadu rice

Sri Lanka has called for tenders to import 70,000 metric tonnes of Nadu rice from India to address a rice shortage in the country. Suppliers have seven days, starting from November 29, 2024, to submit quotations. The rice is expected to be imported by mid-December, following Cabinet approval last week as a short-term solution to stabilize the market.
Tenders have been called from suppliers to import 70,000 metric tonnes of Nadu rice from India, Lanka Sathosa Chairman Samitha Perera said.
Suppliers have been given a seven-day period, starting today (29), to submit their quotations.
Perera said that the rice should be imported into the country by mid-December.
The Cabinet of Ministers last week granted approval for the import of 70,000 metric tonnes of rice as a short-term solution to address the existing shortage of rice in the market.
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Source Link : News Wire